Backyard Chats

Home Security – Vacation
June 26, 2010, 7:00 am
Filed under: Homekeeping

Summer vacation plans may mean leaving  the house unattended for lengthy times. Here are some suggestions to help secure your property while you are away.

1 – Use timers on lights throughout the house to come on at different times.  Make sure to include lights which can be seen from both the front, back and sides of the house.

2 – If you have automatic sensor lights on the porches, entries and driveways, make sure they are activated.

3 – Have timers connected to radios and televisions to come on at different times throughout the day/night. (If you are in an apartment, make sure the volume and time they come on won’t bother neighbors.)

4 – Arrange to have lawns, hedges and sidewalks maintained.

5 – Lock all doors and windows. For example, many people forget doors which lead into the house from the garage.

6 – Arrange with neighbors to watch each other’s houses during vacations.

7 – Any malfunctioning streetlights should be reported to the city’s electrical company.

8 – Notify the post office and newspaper to hold your deliveries. You might have a neighbor check to make sure circulars and any unexpected packages are picked up.

9 – It’s never a good idea to post vacation information on Facebook or Twitter.

10  – If possible, pack your car while it is inside the garage.

11 – Leave an itinerary plan and phone numbers where you can be reached with a neighbor in case of an emergency such as a fire or burglary.

12 – If you have a safe, secure such items as laptops, personal information, jewelry, extra cash, etc.

13 – Leave any (empty) dog bowls outside to advertise the fact that there may be a dog inside.

14 – Drip irrigation hoses, in conjunction with timers, can keep plants from indicating you are away for long periods of time.

15 – Check all outdoor security lights to ensure they are working.

16 – Secure any outdoor fence gates and storage sheds.

17 – Items such as ladders should be secured or locked away to prevent someone from using them.

18 – Remove any hidden keys you might have outside.

19 – Ask friends or neighbors to park/rotate cars in the driveway from time to time.

20 – If possible, you might have your phone forwarded to a friend to answer or to your cell phone.

21 – If you fly a state or American flag, make sure you also fly them when you are away. Installing a spotlight will ensure that it flies properly at night. With the right lighting, you can fly your flag 24 hours a day for as many days as you like.

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